🗓️ Save the date - CLICK's Definitely Not a Gala returns May 15th!

Mike Evans

Mike had a rich career in teaching, counselling and coaching in the Vancouver school system from 1968 to retirement in 2015. And with his passion for supporting youth he volunteers to this day.

Mike attended Washington State University on a track and field scholarship as a middle distance runner and competed at the national and international levels. He played rugby for the Vancouver Trojan Rugby club and competed at the provincial and national level. He received a BC Basketball Scholarship at his high school graduation but chose to go to the United States to run.

A legendary BC coach for rugby, basketball, track and field and cross country, Mike was named 2012 Coach of the Year for basketball by BC School Sports. He has coached girls basketball at Britannia since 1987 and sent 12 teams to the Provincial Championships, placing first in 2012 and 2020. Under his coaching 20 Britannia graduates have played basketball at the college or university level.

Growing up in a working poor family sensitized Mike to the barriers faced by inner city children and youth. As a teacher he was active in the Vancouver Inner City Education Society (VICES). As a Community Schools Coordinator he supervised: HIPPY (Home Instruction for Parents of Pre-School Youngsters); CAPC (Community Action Program for Children); Britannia Food Bank; and countless after school programs for children and youth. All of these programs were free to participants as Mike realized that financial barriers were huge for working poor families who needed a boost.

A director on the CLICK board for 15 years, Mike is also president of the Britannia Support Society which raises money for students and programs at the school. He continues to believe passionately that children and youth living in poverty possess a unique persona, and that they will succeed with supportive mentoring and financial support.