🗓️ Save the date - CLICK's Definitely Not a Gala returns May 15th!

About Us

Our mission

CLICK envisions a Vancouver where a child’s life is not determined by their postal code or household income. Every child in our city should have a safe place to go after school, access to healthy meals and the opportunity to pursue their dreams and goals and succeed in life.



We believe that every child has the right to safety, resources and other opportunities that will enable them to be their best.


At CLICK, our main priority is to create awareness around the issues that face Vancouver’s most vulnerable population – inner city kids. Through fundraising, communication, collaboration, and open dialogue, we actively work to increase knowledge and understanding around the central issues that face our youth, including education, poverty, literacy and safety.


Our board is 100% volunteer and over 90% of donations go directly into programs that support kids. We are a passionate group of individuals that deeply care about making a difference in our local community.

Positive Change

We purposely challenge the status quo and negative perceptions around child poverty and actively aim to create positive, lasting change for everyone in our community.


We believe in and celebrate diversity. CLICK is dedicated to honouring and supporting the diverse needs of children and youth.


Our vision is to change the perceptions and attitudes about what it means to be an inner city kid. CLICK will be known as the organization that promotes, advocates and champions the rights and needs of all children and youth across our city and wider community.

We envision a future where individuals, communities and all levels of government engage in social justice initiatives to eradicate the challenges faced by our youth. We hope to build alliances and partnerships in the larger community that foster teamwork and engagement, aimed at long-term, sustainable growth and positive change.