🗓️ Save the date - CLICK's Definitely Not a Gala returns May 15th!


News, stories & events


Rockin' for a Good Cause

Rockin' For a Good Cause is a fundraiser with live bands playing 60's music, supporting CLICK and other great local charities.

Thanks to YOU

We want to thank you for your support in making 2024 our best year ever!
CLICK co-founder Catherine Atyeo and club member Lorraine Koren

Vancouver Potters Support CLICK

The Aberthau Potters’ Club (located at West Point Grey Community Centre) celebrated their 50th anniversary last year. For their 2024 Winter Sale in December the club invited CLICK to be their benefitting charity. Potters donated beautiful pieces, the sale of which raised funds for CLICK. Over the two-day event the club raised an impressive $1500 for CLICK!

The CLICK team thanks the potters for affirming that every child in Vancouver should be celebrated and supported.


Check out our 20th anniversary video!

From humble beginnings when it first launched in 2004, CLICK has grown over 20 years to be an important player in reducing the effects of child poverty in Vancouver. Here’s a look at CLICK’s 20 years of making a difference…

Celebrate with CLICK! Get your tickets for a special community celebration!

Thanks to your generosity over the years, CLICK has been able to empower thousands of children and youth to become the best they can be. Over our 20 years, we’ve directed $1.5 million to more than 600 grassroots programs helping kids living in poverty in our city – all on volunteer power!