🗓️ Save the date - CLICK's Definitely Not a Gala returns May 15th!


About CLICK grants

CLICK awards grants primarily to small, grassroots programs benefitting children and youth living in poverty in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Girl in orange t-shirt playing game with group of kids in park

CLICK only considers grant applications from organizations that meet all the following requirements:

  • The organization is a registered charity or has prior CLICK authorization

    The organization must:
    • be registered with the Canada Revenue Agency as a charity, and provide proof of registration; or
    • has contacted CLICK to discuss eligibility and has received prior CLICK authorization to apply.
  • The organization provides the program directly

    The organization must provide the program directly. Organizations may bring in external contributors to lead the program.

CLICK only considers grants applications for programs that meet the all the following requirements:

  • The program benefits children and youth living in poverty

    The program must operate exclusively in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and must benefit children and youth, UNDER 19 YEARS, living in poverty.

  • The program addresses barriers to success

    The program must address one or more of the following barriers to success:

    • Access

      The requested funding will contribute to the program or activity being available to and accessible by children or youth. Barriers to access include fees, equipment costs, transportation or other expenses or requirements.

    • Skills

      The program or activity offers an opportunity for children or youth to gain skills in the arts, sports, leadership, health, literacy, or other skills.

    • Safety

      The program offers a safe environment for children or youth. For example, after school programs, that provide safe havens.

CLICK offers small grants based on the need demonstrated in the organization and program budgets.

CLICK reviews applications and awards grants twice each year.

  • Spring cycle

    Applications received by CLICK no later than March 31st are considered for the spring cycle.

  • Fall cycle

    Applications received by CLICK no later than October 31st are considered for the fall cycle.

CLICK typically awards grants to successful applicants within sixty days following the cycle cut-off date.

CLICK grants are awarded subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • Grant funds must be used for expenses of the program

    The organization must use the awarded grant funds exclusively for expenses of the program and not for staff salaries or general overhead expenses (e.g. rent, utilities, etc.) of the organization. Grant funds may be applied to expenses such as supplies, food, transportation, and instructional costs, provided they related directly to the program.

  • Organizations must report to CLICK following conclusion of the program, and provide photos of the program

    Recipients of CLICK grants must file a Program Outcome Report within 90 days of the conclusion of the program.

    The Program Outcome Report includes an obligation to provide CLICK with a photos of the program in action. If you are unable to comply with this requirement, CLICK does consider exemptions on a case-by-case basis.

    CLICK uses the report to communicate with donors and other supporters how crucial programs such as yours are to inner city children and youth and to create awareness of the importance of supporting organizations like CLICK who can, in turn, support critical programs and services. CLICK may use this information for the purposes social media, in our newsletters, and at our events.

Tips for taking photos of children and youth

Preserving the privacy of children and youth is important. Always get parental consent prior to taking any photos. To minimize identifying details, follow these tips:

  • take photos of groups of children or youth from afar to minimize detailed faces
  • take photos of children or youth facing away from the camera
  • take photos from closer, excluding heads and faces


  1. School name
  2. School website
  3. School address
  4. Whether CLICK has made a prior grant to the school


  1. Program name
  2. Program website
  3. Description of program
  4. Program start and end dates
  5. How the program specifically furthers CLICK objectives
  6. How the organization measures the success of the program
  7. Number of children and youth that will participate, or are anticipated to participate, in the program between the program start date and the program end date
  8. Hours of programming, per participant, the program will provide between the program start date and the program end date
  9. Annual revenue of the program for the most recently completed fiscal year
  10. Annual expenses of the program for the most recently completed fiscal year
  11. Whether the organization has applied for, or secured, funding from any third-party source, please provide details including amounts


  1. Grant amount requested
  2. How the grant funds will be used
  3. Date grant funds are required
  4. Party to whom grant funds are payable (optional) [Occasionally, grant funds must be paid to a party other than the applicant organization. If this is the case, please provide the name of the party to whom grant funds are payable, and the reason funds cannot be paid to the applicant organization]