🗓️ Save the date - CLICK's Definitely Not a Gala returns May 15th!

Karen Stanley

Karen has devoted her life’s work to educating young children. Her dedication to fostering equitable learning is evident in the many years she spent as a teacher in the Vancouver School District. She received an MA in Education from UBC and was subsequently invited to return to UBC as an adjunct professor. She now puts her skills to use educating future teachers in the best ways to educate young students.

Karen’s experience as a former inner city student turned educator makes her a unique and highly valuable member of CLICK’s board of directors. She understands the environments inner city students come from and the challenges they face in school and in life. Karen is a strong advocate of accessible learning and believes in removing barriers to equality. In her spare time, Karen likes to ski with her husband and two daughters. She also enjoys spending time with her two kittens, Little Buddy and Sintra.