Two great reasons to support CLICK this holiday season

1. We know where your donation will have the most benefit.

Our team has a deep and extensive knowledge of the needs of children living in poverty in Vancouver.

With your support, in 2022 CLICK directed $213,600 to 73 programs, supporting 14,380 children and youth living in poverty in Vancouver. This included $24,000 in emergency grocery gift cards to inner city schools for distribution to working poor families to help with the current food security crisis.

2. CLICK is run entirely by volunteers

This ensures most of your donation goes directly to make life better for kids who need your help.

Thank you for helping CLICK help kids and wishing you a joyful holiday season.

Here are some of the programs CLICK supported this year…

Strathcona Community Centre

CLICK support helped provide 175 breakfasts every day to low-income families and helped 145 families through the backpack food program, which provides food over weekends when school meals aren’t available.

South Vancouver Neighbourhood House

Nature outings for 43 youth who rarely have the opportunity to get out of their urban neighbourhood.

Writers’ Exchange

Summer programs benefitting 126 children to boost their literacy skills in fun, engaging ways; due to food insecurity, breakfast, lunch and snacks provided.

Consider Donating Every Month

Children living in poverty need support every day, every month. Many of them are going through their days hungry.

A $25 donation can help provide healthy after-school snacks for a child living in poverty for one week. 

But a monthly donation of $25 will keep that child healthier and happier for a longer time.

Interested in a one-time donation? 

Donations of $50 or $100 can give children access to a sport or a camp experience that their parents simply cannot afford.

Whether it’s food, safe out-of-school care or access to sports and the arts, CLICK knows how to put your donation to the best use.