On May 13, 2013, CLICK kicks off Inner City Kids Week. The goal of Inner City Kids Week is to raise money and awareness to support community programs that directly benefit the lives of local children living in poverty.
Here’s how you can help:
- Make a donation you can afford to support programs for children living in poverty in Vancouver.
In 2013, CLICK’s goal is to raise $75,000 in 2013 for programs that make a critical difference to kids.
- Come out to the kick-off! Inner City Kids Week kicks off at 10:30 am on the front lawn of the Vancouver Art Gallery. Check out the exciting Pulling for Inner City Kids tug-of-war competition, featuring high school teams from across Vancouver!
- Attend the Help CLICK Help Kids Reception and Silent Auction on Thursday, May 16 at the Creekside Community Centre.
Tickets can be ordered by calling 604-713-8273.To get tickets for the Definitely Not a Gala! reception and silent auction visit: EVENTBRITE or reserve tickets by emailing your request to: contact@clicktokids.ca. Tickets are also available at the door.
- Donate an item for the auction by emailing us at contact@clicktokids.ca
- Organize a fundraiser of your own for CLICK…at your workplace, school or home.
For more information contact:
Stay tuned to this website for more updates on ICKW 2013